Thursday, October 10, 2013

Update#82 : Current Seas

This little post is about ... currencies! (See what I did there? If not, too bad)

First of all, I'll share an idea which is NOT new to my plans for the game. Tokens. There will be tokens that you can purchase to upgrade your 'playing experience' or whatever, but really they will make things more convenient. This can include things like extending the span of galactic space that you can request to download at once, renaming** a star or planet or increasing the depth of your construction/research queues.

**You can rename your homeworld and any moons that it may have at least once for free. I realize that renaming planets is usually a freely available option in most games like this, but in UNIVERSE it will be a big deal as it can affect gameplay.

Originally I was thinking that tokens would have a simple price of 1$ or 2$ but with various conversion rates it still seemed like it could get a bit complicated. So, to simplify things, I've decided that I'll just go with the idea that I resisted for reasons I can no longer remember! I'm going to make an additional in-game currency. Instead of just buying tokens directly, you would buy some amount of that currency and with that you could buy the tokens. Both tokens and this new currency could be traded in the market, or exchanged between players.

By implementing this additional currency, it will keep token prices more simple and easier for me to add new tokens and other such features.

I don't have a name for this currency at the moment, but I'll be working on it.


  1. How about er...... ISK!! Wait, no already taken
    Er, um, Havouc wait a minute.....
    How about... oh I know, How about Gailics!!
    *Looks proud with himself
