Since the last post I've done a bit of relaxing and resting, and a bunch of little improvements and additions on various things. Mainly, getting ready for the meat of the work do be done in implementing the awesome new map. Oh, and ... *checking paypal* ... nope still not resolved, oh well.
So, about those mapping pages. There will be one link that takes you to the 'Mapping Center' which then has a link to each of the main map types: Regional Star Map, Solar System, Planetary System, Planet Surface.
For each link there will be a field for coordinates; if left blank, then you will be linked to your default or saved location of the relavent type. So, for example, when you sign up your account will be pre-loaded with default settings like...
Star Map: shows nearby stars, centered at your home star
Solar System: viewing 'your' solar system
Planetary System: viewing details of your home world
Planet Surface: viewing the surface and details of your home world, showing your capital
I'll probably also add a 5th coordinate option which - based on the coordinates you input - will make a best-guess assumption about which kind of map to use.
As I've mentioned before, the coordinate system will probably be somewhat overwhelming when you're just getting started, and so I'm also going to add nice little buttons and functions so that you can play the game without ever really having to figure out what the letters and numbers mean.
Alright, gotta get back on this roll and keep making things. The very next thing I'm going to do is... get a drink, and then delete all of the current stars to make a whole new batch of full star systems, ready and waiting to be seen with the glorious new maps to be...
I'm not sure how the trade system will work in Universe, although I believe I remember you saying that you would be trading real resources, but a frequently requested feature for trade routes in AE is that each base has their own trading ID, so you don't need to use the base's co-ordinates to establish a trade, therefore never revealing the location of the planet. You may want to consider something of this sort.
ReplyDeleteI'm also wondering if there will be any type of stealth in Universe, and what your approach to it is.
Perhaps in the next update you could include some pics :)
Thanks for the input!
ReplyDeleteWhat I have planned for trading, the idea is for 'physical' resources to change hands; which will generally entail a ship/fleet being sent to either deliver or collect the resources. That being said, you don't necessarily need to make the exchange at a base, it could be anywhere that is a valid coordinate for things to be; obviously, the 'surface' of a gas giant or star is not an appropriate place to meet for the exchange of resources.
Sadly I don't really have any pictures to show; though I do plan to start opening to a slightly-less-closed beta phase soon.