As always, I've been a fair bit busy lately with several tasks in addition to living life.
First of all, working on a rough outline of the economic system and values for the game. Build times will be related to pricing and a few other factors, so I need to get those figured out, along with the works of population.
Next, I'm assembling on paper all the details that I want for all of the maps and their interface details. The 3D mapping of stars and planets is intended to be a major new feature of this game compared to others of this sort, so the maps really should work nicely I think.
Finally, I've been looking in to setting up a donation page, in case anybody wants to help me out with a bit of money... what would it do? It would mostly go towards buying precious time for me to keep working full-time on the game. I might have to stop doing that soon and replace some of the time with getting a job. I was hoping to get the game into a playable open-beta phase before that happened, but it has this way of taking longer to do everything than I want it to. If I have to get a job, then hopefully it will be a part-time job and I can still devote most of my time on game development... but that's something I won't worry about for another 2 months, for now I'll be more focussed on development. People who send donations will have their donation recorded (duh) and
later their name will be shown on a "special thanks" page or something
like that, to mark an appreciation for what they've done for me and thus
for everyone in the UNIVERSE.
So anyway, economy, maps, donations; these three things are my focus these days, pretty much which ever I feel like working on at the time is the one I work on.
Tomorrow, probably, I'll add a new page... the big UNIVERSE title link will no longer redirect users to the front page. Instead, it will lead to a new 'nexus' page which will have news posts, devlog links, links to miscellaneous pages (like the store!) and other information; it will also be the page that players will be brought to by default when they log in.
Well that's enough babbling for now! o/
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