I thought the next few days were going to be great for visible progress for the map; at least for me. I thought it was going to be an exciting week of churning out new map visuals, and I thought I'd surprize you soon with another fancy screenshot despite saying that I wouldn't.
What I discovered and realized is that I made a change in plans a few days ago and I've been running with it as it seemed like an insignificant change that I could just go ahead and do. What I forgot is that I wasn't originally going to go with this idea so soon because of how much extra work it was. I've already started it though and it's what I want the final result to be, so I pretty much have to go through with it and finish.
There is another piece in 'The Great Brwar' : code quality. For the last little while I have been so excited about making progress that I've cut corners and sacrificed on my idea of code quality. While not a huge issue now, it could become a problem for me in the near future. Compound this with the fact that I need to write a lot of new code, and it means even more work. Thus, I am no longer so excited about getting it done.
Furthermore, the specific functionality of the map is more complex than I really expected... or at least I'm now daunted by it where I wasn't before. Whatever the case, I need to spend some time carefully designing how I really want the star map to end up looking, and working, and... well, as I said, it's complicated.
SO, instead of an exciting week of creating my awesome star map engine, I'm taking some time away to rest from coding, and do the proper planning and design that I need to do anyway.
That's all for now~
Revealed : The three primary resources in UNIVERSE required to make things will be Metals, Minerals, and UC ('Universal Credits') ... These are just the basic resources used to make outposts, buildings, ships, and other commodities.
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