So, having finally completed the full mail system just last night, I found a bug and realized another. So, today I set out on two tasks, and have now completed both, sort of.
#1 - Rework the mail system to remove the bugs, streamline the code, and make it more multi-language-friendly ... no I don't have any plans to support additional languages soon, but once I'm ready to go there then I won't have to edit as much core code as I would have before.
#2 - Rearrange the whole file structure. I expected this to take about an hour, turns out it was actually a four-hour job. I'm glad I did it though... better now than later. Doing it now took 4 hours, and I only had a few pages to deal with. The next major segments of development would have added a lot more pages and a lot more ... stuff to have to re-organize. As it is now, though, it should be pretty much optimal and I doubt I'll need to do this kind of re-arrangement ever again. Aside from tomorrow, when I'll overhaul my CSS structure... today's PHP structure overhaul was a tangent of that goal, but it's probably best that I took care of this first anyway. Tomorrow's CSS target should be relatively easy to do... maybe just another 3 hours =P
SO tomorrow's first aim is to restructure the CSS, and something else... add a few new header layouts! It's not much, but it's something I can do that won't take too much effort and will give us something to do other than just talk to each other while we wait for the rest of the game to come together.... didn't I announce this last post? Oh well.
Also, like I said last time, I'll be taking a break for a few days to get some personal chores done and do some relaxing.
As much as I would like to force myself to take the days off completely, I won't... the next stages of the game need to be developed and added in a sepecific order, because each step will be completely reliant on the thorough completion of the step before it. Here, I'll show you:
1 - Coordinates - Everything has to go somewhere.
2 - Mapping - Without a specific coordinate format, how can anything be placed in the UNIVERSE?
3 - Cities - Without star systems and planets being placed, where will bases be placed?
4 - Economy - Without cities, where does the money come from?
5 - Production - Without an economy, how do you buy&build an army/fleet?
6 - Combat - Without a fleet/army, how will you fight?
7 - Bragging Rights - How can you brag when you have nothing to show for it?
You probably get the idea by now..... well it's just about 5am now, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight!
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